
Exchange Rate

  • Exchange rate in MBC is always profitable!
  • MBC allows you to exchange currency in two ways: online - without leaving home or to receive comfortable and fast service at the company's service centers.
  • It doesn't matter if you are a natural person or a legal entity - before you exchange currency, be sure to check what MBC offers.
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MBC Courses NBG Courses
Currency Buy Sell
100 RUB
1 USD 2.7262
1 EUR 2.9514
100 RUB 2.8281
1 TRY 0.0796
1 GBP 3.5378


Advantages of exchanging currency in MBC

Always a better exchange rate;
Possibility of online currency exchange;
We serve both natural persons and legal entities;
Without any additional fees;
MBC is located in almost all big cities;
Fast service, comfortable environment;

Reasons why you should use MBC’s online exchange service

By registering an online cabinet on our website, you will be able to send an exchange request in just a few seconds. After transferring money to MBC account, the purchased currency will be returned to you in the shortest possible time to the account number specified in the application.

You can register online cabinet and use further services if you are:

  • Georgian citizen natural person;
  • A natural person permanently residing in the territory of Georgia, who holds a residence permit issued by the state of Georgia;
  • A legal entity whose representative is an natural person who is a citizen of Georgia, or an natural person permanently residing in the territory of Georgia who has a residence permit issued by the state.

Online exchange is possible in the following currencies: GEL; USD; EUR, RUB.

So, before you exchange currency, check what MBC offers to you, because we have a simple procedure and always a profitable rate!


What is needed to exchange currency in MBC

If you often exchange currency or receive remittances, it is very important to use an exchange rate that is profitable for you. MBC allows you to always buy or sell currency at a better rate, both online - without leaving your home, and by visiting the company's service centers.

For online currency exchange, you only need to go through a simple procedure of identification and personal account registration, and in service centers you will receive currency exchange services on working days - from 09:30 to 18:00; And on Saturday - from 10:00 to 13:30.

Amount required for exchange

Identification document

The main factors that determine exchange rate

In everyday life, sometimes the supply of currency is more than the demand, and this imbalance causes the fluctuation of exchange rate. The national currency strengthens when the demand for it increases, and depreciates when the demand decreases.

In addition, changes in the exchange rate are determined by the following factors:

  • Political stability of the country;
  • Health of the country's economy;
  • Balance between import and export;
  • Confidence factor and expectations for a specific currency;
  • Amount of public debt;
  • Events conducted by the National Bank.